Dana Mladin

Coronavirus Diary (7) – I got the mask package from China!

I, the permanent owner of masks to be used when I get a cold, realized in January that my stock is almost finished. Both the masks I had brought from China, as well as the ones I had bought online.

So I ordered again, so that no cough will ever catch me unprepared, without a mask…

I bought three sets of 10 masks each. They should be enough… I chose the camouflage model, in order to not get bored… Until now, I had masks with teeth, whiskers, with zipper, flowers, ladybugs, kittens and other funny models.

What do you know, a few days after I placed the order, the virus craziness started. My God!!! Had I known, I would have ordered a truck of masks!

After two months of waiting, during which I had lost hope I would ever get the small package with the valuable merchandize, surprise! I have to go to the postal office to take the package! Yey!!! My masks have arrived! I am rich!!! I am protected!!!

I got out of the postal office very proud of myself. Who else has 30 masks during these times? I opened the package to wear a new, “fresh” mask and… I’m really fresh:

I would put five pages of laughing faces here, because I have laughed a lot when I saw what I had got. April Fools’ Day?! No, it was another order I had placed.

I do not deny: apart from useful things, I like to buy stupid things too. So let me show you the other three masks I got. This is all I received, not the ones I needed… J))

Will they keep the virus away?…



    3 April 2020 at 12:04

    Mladinule care ești Danutz, mai întâi un La mulți ani! – cu intarziere ce-i drept. Să fi binecuvântată cu sănătate, prosperitate și mereu bucurii împreună cu cei dragi ție. Altu’fel – mi-e a bucurie citindu-ti sugubetele întâmplări, că te simt că ești bine. Și nu-i puțin lucru. Hai! – așa să-ți fie “toujour și mereu”.


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